January 25, 2020

Archbishop Miller’s Lunar New Year Message 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It gives me great pleasure to reach out to the Asian Catholic community of the Archdiocese of Vancouver and offer my prayers and best wishes for a Happy New Year – gong hei fat choy!

The Lunar New Year, which falls on Saturday, Jan. 25, is an annual festive occasion for our Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other Asian communities, who this year will celebrate the Year of the Rat, regarded as the first animal of the traditional 12-year Chinese cycle. As such, this new year is particularly associated with new beginnings, and a new day. It seems appropriate, then, to invite you to use this opportunity to renew relationships with the peace of Christ as you gather with loved ones during this time of celebration.

As has become customary at this time, I ask that you use this occasion to keep in your prayers the ongoing persecution of Chinese Catholics and other Christians in China and for the situation in Hong Kong. Let us invoke the patronage of Mary, Mother of the Prince of Peace, putting the longstanding political and religious conflict of that region in the hands of her and her son.

May you and your loved ones have a joyous celebration and a blessed coming year.

With cordial greetings and the assurance of my prayers, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ,

+J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver


我有幸能藉此機會,向溫哥華總教區的亞裔天主教群體,獻上我對他們新年的祈禱與祝願 ── 恭喜發財!






+ J. Michael Miller, CSB


Photo courtesy of St. Francis Xavier Parish