November 22, 2021

Fraser Valley Flood Relief Fund

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

In times of adversity, Christians are known for coming together to help the most vulnerable. During the ongoing flooding crisis that has devastated so much of British Columbia, in particular communities within the Archdiocese of Vancouver, I commend the faithful who are responding with great fervour and willingness to serve.

In particular need are migrant workers in the Fraser Valley who have been displaced by the flooding and had their livelihoods disrupted. To help them and their families, we have set up a Fraser Valley Flood Fund, with all donations going toward their support. Please donate at During this time of scarcity, we can also practise Christian stewardship by conserving resources so there is enough for all our brother and sisters. 

Please keep those who have been affected by this tragedy in your prayers.

With cordial greetings and the assurance of my prayers, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ, 

+ J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver

Click here to read the full article on The B.C. Catholic