Effective - December 13, 2016

Archdiocesan Finance Council Investment Sub‐Committee Terms of Reference

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A. Mandate

To review and monitor the investment portfolio of the Archdiocese of Vancouver in accordance with approved policy.

B. Reporting Structure

Reports to the Archdiocesan Finance Council.

C. Membership and Terms

Appointed by the Archbishop of Vancouver for a maximum of three (3) years or at the expiry of their terms of appointment on the Archdiocesan Finance Council.

D. Duties

  1. To review the Archdiocesan investment portfolio on a quarterly basis with the Director of Finance and the Controller;
  2. To meet with the investment portfolio manager(s) at least twice a year and to receive the annual report;
  3. To review the investment income and auditors’ report for the Chancery Deposit Account on a semi‐annual basis;
  4. To review the performance of the investment manager(s) annually, with an in‐depth analysis every three years;
  5. To review the investment policy and investment portfolio asset allocation and to make recommendations to the Archdiocesan Finance Council.

Approved: 2016‐December‐13
Memorial of St. Lucy

+ J. Michael Miller, CSB
Archbishop of Vancouver